Trans Chaser Hookup

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Chasers Seeking Trans Dating

But please no Tranny Chaser 🙁

transgenderuk | Local Tranny Hookups

Check out Personals Free link above

Whats a Trans Chaser, A male seeking dates with Trans that still have a cock
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Join us today and post your profile letting Trans chasers know what you are seeking

Trans Looking for ...

Transgender Chasers, Trans Chasers & even Tranny Chasers!! At some stage I’ve come across these within various message boards and even personals within the site. Whilst in some places they view the term Trans Chaser with a derogatory viewpoint, others seek out Trans chasers, confused…yep


As you may have guessed as you are reading this on a Transgender dating site, Trans chasers are males that are attracted to trans women, but not just any transgenders, no they are specifically interested in dating a Trans woman that basically still have a cock.


Is this a prejudice directed against Trans in that males will only date them if they still have a cock? Or more so just interested in meeting trans that are seeking out sexual relationships? In that case you need to ask yourself as a Trans do you want just sex ONLY or a relationship

Trans Seeking Chasers .

Is there a place for Transgender chasers within personals sites? We’ll YES mostly because the types of personals posted by both Trans & Trans Chasers are contacts that are seeking out a sexual relationship and clearly in these personals the Trans is more than happy to have and use his cock.


Whilst some would say Trans Chasers are just Cis males that re hiding their bisexuality because they outwardly want to date females, but they want these females when in the bedroom to have a cock and one they want to use either active or passive

Finding Trans Chasers ..

Its not hard to meet with males that are seeking out a purely sexual relationship with Transgenders, in fact if you check out the free link above you will see personals from both males and Trans looking for Trans Chasers.


The advantage in using TrangenderUK to meet with males or Trans is straight from accessing the personals you know what the member is seeking. In fact, some members will even use Chaser within their heading often posting up “ Trans Seeking Chasers” or “Chaser dating transgenders”, and sadly sometimes “Tranny Chasers” !!!

Your Trans Ad ..

Posting a personas advert is easy and if your interest is meeting with males or trans for just SEX then using the keywords when setting up your personals advert will help members locate you quickly and hopefully send a message.


You can of course just put this within your profile heading and members will see it straight away. Want to try the site out for FREE? Join us today and post your personals advert letting members know about the types of contacts you are seeking.


If later you want to access more features upgrade to VIP and the name of the site will not show on your credit card statement. But for Trans Chasers & Trans Seeking Chasers join and see whats on offer

transgenderuk | Find Local Contacts For Adult Fun