Dogging Locations & Information
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Public SEX..
Shemale dogging hookups, meeting up with horny shemales at UK Dogging locations, its easy you just drive to a car park, flash your lights and a sexy shemale will come walking up to the car to suck you, maybe let you fuck her or YOU….yeah right and then you wake up.
It is a fact that we brits do love our dogging combine that with dating shemales and what more could you ask fir sucking on a horny shemale cock in a public location. But you know not all Dogging shemales like the term “shemales” being used and prefer transgender dogging hookups…for more info read the main shemale intro page.
But dogging has been going on for years and was first started by wife swapping couples meeting up at arranged public car parks, this then moved onto singles meeting up, which combined with sex personals sites and the scene went super popular.
Shemale Dogging
Whilst many that are new to dogging will assume its just a case of driving into a car park and hoping to get lucky for most, they have now moved there dogging hookups to prearrange meets, especially so if you are planning on meeting Dogging shemales.
The huge advantage of prearranging does mean you are able to find a private and safe place to meet shemales and admirers. The last thing you want as you are slowly slipping your cock into a shemale to the lights of police car coming on ….its happened to me, long time ago!
Private Dogging
Private dogging locations or prearrange meetups is the only safe way to head out meeting others for public sex. You have the advantage that you can find a very private place to meet, plus you can arrange codes or just swap details, this way you know you are walking to the right car.
To find dogging contacts it’s not hard, mostly because we all enjoy some outdoor fun, in fact check out the free link and whilst its not filtered to only show dogging contacts it wont take you long before you find a dogging shemale searching for guys, or likewise and admirer wanting to fuck you silly
Find personals from members looking for dogging hookups is EASY mostly because we offer keyword interests so its just a case of putting in your county, or searching by distance then searching out dogging contacts.
By using keyword searches its not a case of how or when to meet dogging contacts but when are you going to join and post your personals advert so you can start arranging to meet up. We offer a FREE membership so you can join and start searching out contacts. Join for FREE today